Friday, May 9, 2008

Church Softball

I just got in a little while ago from our softball games. We won again! I thought I should post while I can brag a little. 6 and 0 for Riverlife!! We are having a blast and our fans are awesome! When I get out there I realize my athletic days are behind me. lol. Also it is sad that I am the oldest one on our team! It seems like yesterday I was 22 or 23. Oh well! We are 6-0 and having fun. Come out on Fridays and join our fans (bleacher babes) and have some fun!

Monday, May 5, 2008

What are you known for?

This past Sunday I preached on standing out. This thought came out in the message "what are you known for?". What Christian character do people recognize in you? At work, at school, at home, in the community what are you known for? I want to encourage you to begin to ask God to empower you to stand out for Him. Check out the message Stand Out!