Friday, March 28, 2008

Easter Recap

I am a few days late on the update but here it is. We had an awesome day at Riverlife! It started a little chilly for our sunrise service. It is always great to worship a risen savior on Resurrection Sunday at sunrise. Our worship service was great from the worship to the illustrated message, the drama and human video were terrific. What was the greatest point of the day was the commitment made to Christ by at least 7 people that we were publicly aware of!!! That makes all the planning and work worth it.

Thank you to every person that was involved (invite team, registration team, ushers, greeters, worship team, food teams, follow up teams, ministry teams - kids and adults, those who helped with the props and the egg hunt and anything else that was happening.) Together we put together a day that had an impact for the Kingdom of God. We had over 200 counted in service. This means many lives were impacted for the cause of Christ. Again thank you Riverlife for all of you effort. Let's see where God leads us from here!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I need a little help. Give me some input on the subject of discipleship. I am developing a class for new believers and those wanting to plug in at Riverlife. This class will discuss what Riverlife Church is all about, where we have been and where we are headed. Also, it will include a gifts discovery portion and how to plug in using your gifts. But also a portion will cover the foundational aspects of christian living. This is where I need your help. What areas do you believe are the most important for a new believer to help them on their adventure with Christ? I feel like too often we see people make a commitment to Christ and then that is as far as we go as a Church. This will change!!! Give me some feedback and get involved with helping to disciple others!

Thanks in advance

Pastor G

Monday, March 17, 2008

Resurrection Sunday is coming

This Sunday is Easter. I cannot believe it is already here. at Riverlife we have been planning for this day for a while. We have mailed out alot of personal invites to friends and family and now we are praying for God's favour. To check out our plan for the day click on this link. (Riverlife Easter). Be praying with us. I will update on the results later.